Welcome to my GeoCity!!!

Here's the fun and cool page where all the cool people talk about themselves!!
Thank you for taking the time to read these!! Click buttons below for lore and stuff.
Press the back button on your device to come back here anytime!


> My name's Kimmie, but Sasumori is something I made up when I was 14 and a peak weeaboo bc it sounded cool rolling off the tongue (it's pronounced SAUCE-oo-MORE-ee btw)> I also go by Sasu or Axel / AxeLR0ZE (like the Guns n Roses singer, but not, the name just sounds cool)> I'm a self-taught artist & college graduate in Graphic Arts Multimedia and Production (working on portfolio/comms site soon!)> I was born March 19th, 1997 on a Wednesday morning, completely on accident> I am Panromantic, Asexual and Genderfluid. In layman's, I love with all my heart, cannot have sex (due to trauma), and my body is an ever-changing cocoon of whatever I'm feeling

Read Before Following

One of the main things about me is that I have Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder. This means that my mind runs 1000 miles a minute AND operates all strange. That being said, I WILL say things that are weird, crude, wild, and possibly out of line. I will possibly share things that could hurt or cause shock, or trigger medical conditions (such as epilepsy). Not that the disorders are to excuse these, but I'm obligated to point it out.These effects are unintentional, I don't mean to cause harm, really n truly, I just wanna have fun online. If this happens, PLEASE let me know, I just see funny animal or hear funny noise and laugh.[I WILL NOT ENGAGE IN THE FOLLOWING. DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU AGREE/PARTICIPATE IN THE FOLLOWING]

  • Basic DNI / T.R.A.S.H.


  • Sexual/kink discussion/involvement (I can make jokes about big peanits peepee phart but NO ACTING UPON IT. BOTH FROM ME AND YOU. I AM NOT QUALIFIED.)

  • Pedophile(s) & Supporters / Apologists // Proship/ProFiction/Pro whatever taboo horsepiss

  • Political discourse (no matter the alignment. politifucks talk in another language that doesn't go well with english.)

  • Simply put, If I can't comprehend your fucking word salad language, dogwhistles or cliques, I'm clappin your ass. Can't be bothered lmao.

  • Nazis / Police State Supporters / BootLickers / Genocide Justifiers

  • Those who Guilt-Trip others into caring/aggressive enforcement, or toxic positivity/Lady Protest Too Much

  • Guilt by Association

  • Bitches whose pages are nothing but negative shit (call-outs or the guilt-caring. Lighten the fuck up)

  • MCYT / K-pop/similar stan cultures

  • crypto / NFT bullshit

  • Believe human rights is ""ViRtUe sIgNaLiNg / wOkE ViRuS""

  • TRAUMA TYPE BEATS along the lines of below

  • >aesthetics of Cute+gore/drugs, TRAUMACORE, DreamMalgia, self-harm/eating disorder/adjacent vibes & communities, yandere/stalking/harming/obsesslove, needy girl overdose

  • TWITTER DISEASE/'Problematic' types (including ProShippers "🌈🍖", taboo, school teacher dogwhistle, vatican flag/cross emojis, SH/ED)

  • Object Show fuckers

  • Any 'Anime' media that has a mostly minor/freshly adult cast/characters

  • No motherfuckers from "edgy boii" fandoms, (id est; south park, hazbin/helluva, campcamp, any series with an ""edgy"" outer shell)

  • SMG4/Glitch Prod. - somethin bout this dude just sends my gut into panic, cant explain it. Catch me in a decade when the guy crashes n burns lol

  • ABSOLUTELY NO William Afton Fuckers/Kinnies - including the stupid pissrabbit forms (ill sleep well in a jail cell known afton's in hell :))

  • No EXE bullshit, whether its sonic, mario, or whatever the fnf kids got their hands on

Any of these types of subcreatures will be
Read my Trigger List for more
Below Applies for VRChat


  • Any children/squeakers/loud motherfuckers will be turned down to 5% or muted as a whole.

  • Anyone that Mutes/Blocks me, I do the same back. Feelin's mutual, pal :)

  • Anyone who is close associates to those who hates my guts I also clap (until otherwise enstated)

  • really, really fucking hate people who come in a public lobby, fuck off to a quiet/out-of-bounds corner, and then complain when theres noise/people bothering them. Private instances/worlds exist buddy, don't be the WAAH WAAH attention-grabber n turn out to be a dick.

  • Packers/kids tryin to be packers.

  • I am a VERIFIED EBOY/EGIRL HATER!!! Due to 99% of them being horny/racist/overly familiar cunts in my experience (unless it's someone I know or a close friend)

  • Any Wickerbeasts, Rexes, or Bonewraiths (or similar beasts)/(avatars with bad memories attached) I see I hide myself w/o bringing it up (see trigger list)

  • Above applies for any avatars with a distorted/uncanny face (TL/ask).

  • Public lobbies are a rare-go UNLESS It's a world I frequent/I'm with friends that can guard/back me up in case things go south.

  • Anyone who doesn't like my model/vibe/whatever about me, and then makes it known to Everyone Around Them that they Do Not Like me, is getting the clap or muted, depending on how I feel

  • If you still associate w CoffeePot (the dude who made the afterdark arcade, city17, etc) even after all the shit about Nazareth, DNI (If you just go to his worlds for funsies that's fine)

  • No military/faction fuckers - If you're unironically/being super-serious 25/8 about wielding a gun and taking """Bounties""" to """"""Kill"""""" someone all for a fucking pretend rank, you're a tool)

  • I'm not talking to anyone who lists themselves in any of the following groups because they always turn out to be horrible people/kids.

  • CoryxKenshin, 12 GAUGE, any horndog/gooner groups (including clearly cropped porn, pet play, DDLG, possessive/obsessive) yandere/yan adjacent, any dogwhistles to AntiLGBTQ+, Nazi, Pedo/Zoo, or otherwise disturbing or harmful


✨Space and Astronomy✨Astrology✨Graphic Arts Aesthetics, Pop Art, Memphis Style (those 80s/90s shapes), Grunge/Cyber Corporatism, Neon Brutalism, Mall Deco, Festival Marketplace, Wonka PoMo, Casual SoftHome✨Gemstones and rock collecting
I collect sparkly gems and rocks for fun!
✨Smaller interests include cooking and fashion design!

My music taste has a wide spectrum, one end is vaporwave and 80s pop music, synth pop type beats, and the other end is Meshuggah, or HEAVY FAST BLOODFUCK METAL. Just depends on the day :)
Nirvana, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Foo Fighters, Liana Flores, Rick Astley (unironically), waterfront dining, paradise of yesterday, Plus-Tech Squeeze Box, luxury elite, Eyeliner, Tyler the Creator, Hideki Naganuma, David Bowie, Gorillaz, Osamu Sato and more

✨💖🦇⚰️Castlevania (im very autistic about this series)
✨REALLY cool character design
✨STICKERS, patches, buttons/pins

✨Movie - Spaceballs
✨Song - Beyond the Mind's Eye by Jan Hammer
✨Drink - Dr Pepper
✨Food - Cheesy Potato soup w bacon & bread pudding
✨Band - Foo Fighters

Reference Art

Here's my new home for my sona's reference! You can share the link to this page for anyone interested in drawing me! You can also ask for close-up shots too for accurate details! Images in second panel are clickable to maximize.
IMAGE AND DESIGN IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE ANYTIME! I'll update the image accordingly with any changes!
(Accurate as of 12/22/23)


Comfort Zone

I'm a selfshipper! It's a coping mechanism of mine since early adolescence due to trauma.PLEASE don't question/poke fun at who I love. This list will change as time moves on.Some chars maybe be counted as romantic or platonic depending! I may also fall out of love with some of them, so just ask.(Up to date as of 2/18/24)
💖 = Current Fixation!

-Vlad Dracula Tepes (Castlevania)💖💖💖💍
-Garcello (FNF Smoke 'em Out Struggle/Hazy River)
-Daddy and Mommy (FNF)
-Wayne (Hylics)
-Cactus Gunman (Gregory Horror Show)
-Piers (Pokemon Sword/Shield)
-Guzma (Pokemon Sun/Moon)
-Sissel/Yomiel (Ghost Trick Phantom Detective)
-1010 (yes, all fucking five of them) (No Straight Roads)
-Lewis Pepper (Mystery Skulls)
-Kars (JJBA)
-Badman (No Heroes Allowed VR)
-Ultron (Avengers)

Trigger List

Here's some of the things and topics that put me off or make me upset. Do NOT use these against me/as a form of revenge or you will never hear from me again. (Will add more as time moves on. Updated 12/22/23)💢 = Annoyances
⚠️ = Upsetting
🪓 = Extreme

🪓🪓🪓 - If you or anyone remind me of my mother/IRL brother in their way, shape, form, tone, mannerism; I will fucking block you and remove you from my life outright, no mercy, no apologies. This includes yelling at me, gaslighting me, accusing me/legit getting pissed over something small.🪓- (Extreme) Sexual Talk (ex; "I can convert you from asexual to horny"), Rape/Sex, Sexualization of my body results in instant block/report, Anyone who puts their fetish front and center (several incidents involving this tell me people who do this are ASSHOLES)⚠️ - Traumacore (Please don't involve me with this. I don't want to think of my abuse as something desensitized/romanticized/woobified into a ""cutesy blurry internet meme image"" for "aesthetic" or some compilation of ""strange images"" or worse an idealized form of life)⚠️- Distorted/Uncanny faces (ex; Giygas" Earthbound, Specimen 7: Spooky's House, Starecrown: FNF, RED: NES Godzilla Creepypasta.)🪓- Topics of rape/sexual abuse/Yanderes/manipulating/taking advantage of someone emotionally/romantically💢- Interrupting me/getting in my face/being a loud annoying kid. WILL block/mute⚠️- Drama which I will have to resolve/unwarranted ranting (I try being there for my friends, but it gets to be too much. I'll listen if I can handle it, but I cannot fight your battles for you. Don't treat me like the big resolver either.)⚠️- Topics relating to Lolicon/Shota/DDLG/ABDL (Should be obvious why, but if you're into this shit, stay FAR the fuck away from me.)⚠️- Topics of Dementia/Mentions of EatEoT Due to family history of dementia. I'm use to the 1st song (the one everybody fucking plays) but THE FINAL SONG ON THE ALBUM will upset me.🪓 - Trypano/Needles/any major medical talk (I get severely squeamish around descriptive medical discussion and needles, or anything going into the skin)⚠️ - Daisy Bell/ "Daisy Daisy give me your Answer" (For some reason, this song makes me horribly upset, not bc it's "creepy", but someone sung it while thinking of someone else when they were romantically involved with me)⚠️- WickerBeasts, Rexes (or anything made by that guy), and Bonewraiths 2 People have ruined them for me. If you're my friend and you wear those, you're gucci.💢- People who say slurs just to get a rise out of people/People who use Faggot/Retard in a derogatory manner (I have reclaimed Faggot and Retard. Please let me know if you don't want me to say it around you)⚠️ - Happy Game (that game upsets me for plenty of reasons: 1, was a former-friend-turned-pedophile's favorite game (i can only imagine why..). 2, Distorted faces, detailed gore, traumatic. 3, Fast, rapid, horrifying visuals)💢 - People who make uncomfortable jokes/derogatory jabs at folks and then try to pass it off as "jokes" Fuck off, if someone's uncomfortable or upset, your "joke" ends.💢 - Tapping (in ASMR vids) I honest to god get tired of long acrylic nail tapping on shit. Just grates me more than anything really.